A couple weeks ago I had posted a wonderful recipe called:
“Miss Dixie’s Sweet Cream Ball”,
I had been preparing my recipe choice for an upcoming “girls night”
at my neighbor’s house.
She has a {Favorite Things} party, much like
Oprah’s Favorite Things, minus the lavish gifts and cars {I wish}.
The party is of favorite things that fall within a certain dollar amount.
The premise of the party whether you have one around the holidays or
in the summer is to pick a dollar amount {$5 or $10}
to be spent on each gift.
The gifts must all be the same.
This time my friend choose to make it simple and the dollar amount was,
3 of your Favorite Things at $10 each.
Another way that has been done before is 5 favorite items at $5.
With a ten dollar item the variety of choices is broadened but,
with a lesser budget you can be very creative {that’s the fun part!}.
My Favorite Thing was something rather simple but something I personally
can’t live without in the winter…..
I have an issue with my feet being cold all the time and it is something I can’t stand.
I am constantly trying to keep my feet warm, so I sleep with socks.
{I know not the sexiest of things I do, sorry honey}
I love warm fuzzy socks that keep my feet warm but wash well.
I also find whether it is summer or winter,
I am constantly trying to keep my feet smooth,
{another bother, dry heels}
so I choose a foot lotion that can be put on before bed time
allowing for ample time to moisturize while inside cozy socks.
These products were well over the $10 dollar amount,
but with coupons from Bath and Body Works,
I was able to obtain a $10.00 dollar off $30.00 or more.
This brought my total to exactly $30.10 for all three gifts including these lovely bags:
{The bags alone are a favorite holiday thing as they included tissue and a gift tag for under $2}.
******How the party works******
While the guests enter the party,
they write their name down on a piece of paper 3 times {5 if you are having 5 items}.
The pieces of paper are placed in a bowl.
Once all of the guests have arrived and the names have been written down,
you all sit down with your gifts that you have brought to the party.
The host then walks around with the bowl of names.
Each person pulls three names out of the bowl.
The names can not be the same person twice nor your name.
The host then starts with whom ever the first person is and they stand up
and announce their name and what their Favorite Thing is.
After explaining their gift they proceed in calling out the names of
the three people they picked and they hand the gifts over to them.
This goes on until all of the guests have passed out their Favorite Things.
Some of these women are highly creative.
It is amazing on what little money one can come up with such fabulous ideas.
Some of the great items were the following:
*A box filled with twine, holly, and glittered gift cards to help with holiday wrapping.
*Earrings and bracelets.
*A handmade sign for the home.
*A bag with travel size “Favorite” hair products.
My suggestion is choose a product or trinket that you use.
It will then come easy to you……
Etsy is also a great place to find beautiful handmade products.
You leave in the perfect holiday spirit with the smallest of gifts.
As a mother, I do have to say I appreciate these small things.
They make me {smile}.
A Favorite Things Party is a fantastic way to get your “favorite” girls together
to celebrate the simple loves that we all have.
Though Christmas is only a week away…..
you may be able to throw one together with the help of a pot luck event,
or a New Year’s one might be fun as well.
But before I forget…..
Here is a picture of Miss Dixie’s Sweet Cream Ball that I brought.
It was so amazing I could have ate the whole thing by myself.